On 25 March 2006, a fishing boat named “ARCHON” brought with its net to the surface the remains of a twin engined Vickers Wellington bomber from the depth οf the sea south of the island of Evia. Initially, the net caught the whole of the fuselage, which though was later sunk, thus, bringing ashore part only of one of the wings with the characteristic geodetic structure.
The wing has already been taken to the HAF Museum where it will be cleaned properly in order to be exhibited alongside οther aircraft. At a later point, the HAF Underwater Operations Team (KOSYTHE) will undertake a search in order to find the rest of the fuselage with a view to salvage it.
A total of sixteen Vickers Wellingtons ΧΙΙΙ flew with the RHAF 13 Squadron from 1945 – 1947 mainly as transporters and trainers. The aircraft found perhaps belonged to RAF no. 104 Squadron (either Z8510 or Z8436), which went missing on Μarch 1942 following a raid at Elefsis airfield. This initial gesture will be confirmed following the ROV search.
The HAFGS would like to express its sincere thanks to captain Ioannis Georgiou as well as to Mr Dimitris Livadas and Brigadier General (ret) Dr Phaedon Dalagiorgos who informed immediately the HAF and provided invaluable help and information.