“Sea Griffin1/12” Exercise (Video)

On Thursday, 31 May 2012, at the Firing Range of Crete, the “Sea Griffin 1/12” Exercise, took place.

In the frame of the exercise, a Mirage 2000 aircraft of 114 Combat Wing/332 Squadron, successfully fired an antiship missile AM-39 Exocet Block II against a floating target.

The exercise was attended by the Minister of National Defence, Mr. Frangoulis Frangos, the Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff, General Mikhail Kostarakos, the Chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff, Lieutenant General, Constantinos Ziazias, the Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff, Vice Admiral (HN) Kosmas Christidis and the Chief of the Hellenic Air Force General Staff (HAFGS), Lieutenant General (AF) Antonios Tsantirakis.
