On Monday December 12th, 2016, the Chief of the Hellenic Air Force General Staff, Lt. General (I) Christos Vaitsis welcomed the Minister of Defense Mr. Panos Kammenos at the Aviation School’s amphitheater for the award ceremony. Hellenic Air Force officials were decorated with the “Star of Value and Honor” for their participation in “VICTORY” mission in Cyprus in July 1974.
Amongst those present during the ceremony, were the Chief of the National Defense General Staff, Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis HN, the Chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff, Lt. General Vasilios Tellidis, members of parliament, representatives of the Chiefs of the armed and security forces, Veterans Associations of Fallen Aviators, delegates from the 354th Squadron for Tactical Transport, the Aviation School and the Technicians School of the Hellenic Air Force and family members of the honored officials.