4th Air Power Conference


Air Power Conference
On Thursday 11 and Friday 12 February 2016, the Hellenic Air Force (HAF) will organize the 4th Air Power Conference, in the auditorium of the HAF Academy, at Dekeleia Air Base, Athens.

The keynote of the conference will be “Shaping the Future Air Power”, taking into account the prospects for the development of air power from the viewpoint of today’s challenges and constraints, so that it can continue to be a reliable power alternative in the future, in a complex and dynamic security environment.

The conference will be attended by officers of the Hellenic Armed Forces, of NATO and non-NATO countries, as well as members of the academic and defense industry communities.



The Conference will consist of four (4) sessions:

  • The first session (“The Context”) seeks to analyze the factors that compose the application framework of air power, such as the strategic doctrine and the geopolitical environment (geopolitical considerations), the nature of modern warfare and the requirement for shaping a new air power strategy aiming to achieve strategic effects.
  • The second session (“The Challenge”) will list the challenges faced by different Air Forces, mainly deriving from the general budgetary situation and the limitation of available resources, and will demonstrate possible ways to turn these challenges into opportunities for effectiveness improvement.
  • The third session (“The Means”) will analyze the capabilities and characteristics of air power, which render it the prime option in the achievement of strategic objectives, and their connection with the economic dimension.
  • The fourth session (“Air Power and R&D”) will examine how a country’s air power can benefit by cooperating with the domestic defense industry and/or academic institutions in the research and development (R&D) domain.

HAF 4th Air Power Conference


  Feb 11th, 20160800 – 0845Registration / Welcome Air Force Academy auditorium
0900 – 0915Opening AddressChief of HAFGS
1st Day  Feb 11th, 20160920 – 1100Strategic Doctrine and Geopolitical ConsiderationsPanagiotis Ifaistos

PhD Professor of International Relations and Strategic Studies

Changes in the Nature of Modern Warfare and Implication on Air PowerLt.Gen. Konstantinos Vouzios HAF (Ret.)
The Quest for a New Air Power ConceptCol. John A. Olsen


Q & A PART 1st SessionModerator: Col. Antonios Panidis

HAFGS A1 Directorate

1100 – 1130BREAK 
1st Day  Feb 11th, 20161130 – 1230Effectiveness of Air Power through ConstraintsLt.Gen. Christos Christodoulou

HTAF Chief

NATO Air Power – Challenges for the FutureGen.Frank Gorenc

USAF, Allied Air Command Commander

Setting Operational Priorities – Developing an Effective Air ForceMaj.Gen. Amir EshelI

IAF, Commander

1230 – 1330LUNCH
1330 – 1500Maintaining Dominant Combat Power in Fiscal AusterityAir Chief Marshal Sir Andrew Pulford

RAF, Chief of the Air Staff

Key Enablers to Enhance Air Force Combat CapabilityLt.Gen. Pasquale Preziosa

ITAF, Chief of Staff

Q & A PART 2nd SessionModerator: Lt.Gen. Christos Christodoulou

HTAF Chief

2nd Day  Feb 12th, 2016 0900 – 1045Deterrence and Coercion for Air Forces of Small NationsConstantinos Koliopoulos, PhD

Assistant Professor of International Politics and Strategic Studies

The Economic Dimension of Military (Air) power Ioannis D Salavrakos, Former Assist. Professor
The Air Option – Creating Strategic EffectsMaj.Gen.Nikolaos Christopoulos

HAFGS A’ Branch Director

Q & A PART 3d SessionModerator:  Maj. Gen. Nikolaos Christopoulos

HAFGS A’ Branch Director

1045 – 1115BREAK 
2nd Day  Feb 12th, 20161115 – 1245HAF Participation in EU Research and Development Projects: Challenges and OpportunitiesLt. Col. Georgios Kanterakis HAF, PhD
Defence Industry Participation in R&D and Implementation of Air Defense SystemMaj. Gen. Hubert L’ Ebraly, ENG

Deputy Director for International Affairs, DGA

Life Cycle CostLt.Gen. Zacharias Gkikas HAF (Ret.)

Chairman of the BoD at HAI

Q & A PART 4th SessionModerator: Lt. Col. Georgios Kanterakis HAF, PhD
1245 – 1345LUNCH 
1345 – 1415Closing RemarksMaj. Gen. Nikolaos Christopoulos

HAFGS A’ Branch Director


Conference Program