Academic Education
The academic education aims to deliver the scientific knowledge of the objects of the positive, applied, technological, social, humanitarian and theoretical sciences as well as the aviation science, in order to ensure the vocational training of cadets. Academic education is distributed in academic subjects every semester, which cognitively supports all aspects of the education provided. The implementation of these is accomplished by attending classroom teaching, lectures, performing laboratory-practical exercises, conducting educational visits, studying and testing.
Military Education
The purpose of military education is the creation of the appropriate conditions for the cadets’ initiation into the military way of life, the cultivation of conscientious discipline, dedication to duty, sense of responsibility, team and military spirit and, finally, the development of the inherent and acquired virtues of the person who is to be named “Non-Commissioned Officer”. Lectures on general education are delivered and educational trips are organized within the framework of military education. Military education is divided into theoretical, practical and physical education.
a. Theoretical education
The objects of theoretical military training are delivered on a six-month basis, they are autonomous and they are implemented by attending lectures, conducting practical exercises, educational visits, study and examinations.
b. Practical education
The objects of practical military training are delivered on a six-month basis and they are implemented by demonstration, practice in the relevant business environment and examinations.
c. Physical Education
The purpose of physical education is the development of the cadets’ physical condition and mental endurance in such a degree that they are able to get through prolonged efforts, deprivations and partial discomfort, both in time of peace and of tension or war, as the Air Force spirit demands. The physical education of the cadets goes hand in hand with military education.
Military Action
The military action aims at the proper cultivation of the personality of the cadet in the military way of life, the development of the sentiments of patriotism, altruism and responsibility, and the cultivation of the ideals of freedom, democracy and Humanism, with the ultimate goal of developing military virtues and leadership characteristics.
Training Organization
The duration of studies in the academy is three (3) years. The academic year begins on the 1st of September of each calendar year and ends on the 31st of August of the following year. The educational work of each academic year is structured in two (2) semesters, winter and spring. Each semester includes at least thirteen (13) weeks of teaching and two (2) weeks of exams.
The study is based on the mission of the academy as well as the legal and institutional framework governing its operation.
The Academy’s teaching staff consists of:
a. Professors who are university graduates or graduates of Technical Institutes. Many of them are holders of post-graduate degrees (Masters and PhDs).
b. Military instructors (for the speciality courses), holders of Post Graduate Degrees and graduates of the Air Force Command and Staff College.
The delivery of theoretical courses takes place in classrooms of capacity of up to thirty (30) people. The academic education is distributed in half-yearly courses and it is implemented by attending classroom teaching, lectures, performing laboratory exercises, studying and testing.
Laboratory training is conducted in the laboratories of the academy and other units, centers or bodies of the HAF. Training visits to other units, as well as to other bodies, are implemented in the practical training of the cadets.
Military training is implemented by carrying out activities related in particular to military exercises, tests, living exercises, teaching, lectures, visits, physical and group exercise, study and examinations. During the training semester, the cadet is examined in written or oral examinations.
A cadet, who achieves an examination score of less than fifty percent (50%) of the grading scale on one (1) up to three (3) courses/subjects, is obliged to attend a new examination. If he/she fails in more than three (3) courses/subjects, and, during the new examination, achieves a score of less than fifty per cent (50%), is considered “failed” and falls into a state of inadequacy. After the end of the final examinations and evaluations of each academic year, promotion-graduation tables are composed based on the score achieved on a percentage scale.
A foreign cadet who fails in a semester course may choose to have his/her review examination done either written or orally, at his/her request, at the Cadet Training Directorate, at least three (3) working days before the date of the review. The oral review requires the consent of the instructor that the course can be examined orally. The oral review examination is performed by the instructor in the presence of the section Chief of the Department of Academic or military education. For the application of the preceding paragraph, the instructor completes an oral examination form, which is kept in record at the Directorate of Academic Education. After the completion of the training of the cadets of the III class, the academy composes a table of final grades and final ranking series. After the ratification of the above table, a presidential decree of graduates is issued, by responsibility of the General Staff of the Air Force.
Sectors – Specializations
The three (3) sectors with the representative specialties that operate in the academy are the following:
a. Technological Support
(1) Aircraft Technician
(2) Transport Means & Machinery Technician
(3) Telecommunications – Electronics Technician
(4) Electrical Systems Technician
(5) Weapons Technician
(6) Airport Facilities Technician
(7) IT Technician
b. Operational Support
(1) Radio navigators
(2) Airfield Defense Guard
(3) Flight Controller
(4) Meteorologist
(5) Intelligence NCO
c. Administrative and Supplying Support
(1) Recruiting NCO
(2) Cashier
(3) Supply Specialist