HAF News
“Link 22 Foundation Course” 1st Training Series Graduation Ceremony
On Friday, July 21, 2024, the graduation ceremony of the students of the 1st Training Series of the "Link 22 Foundation Course" took place at the
Air Defense Staff Training Center (ADSTC) at Dekelia Air Base.
HAF News
Visit of the Chief of HAFGS to the Supreme Joint War College
On Monday 17 June 2024, the Chief of the Hellenic Air Force General Staff, Lieutenant General (P) Dimosthenis Grigoriadis, visited the Supreme Joint War College (SJWC) in Thessaloniki, where he was welcomed by the Commander of the School, Major General (P) Evangelos Tourvalis.
HAF News
Postponement of the F-4 Aircraft 50th Anniversary – “Phantom Phriday” Εvent Release
We announce the postponement of the scheduled 50th anniversary event to mark 50 years of F-4s in the Hellenic Air Force on Friday, July 05, 2024.
HAF News
Co-training Between HAF and Israeli Air Force
On Monday 27 May 2024, a LIVEX (Live Exercise) was conducted between Hellenic Air Force (HAF) and Israeli Air Force (IAF) aircraft in the south area of Crete.
HAF News
Distinguished Visitors Day of the Exercise “HNIOCHOS 24”
On Friday, April 12, 2024, the Distinguished Visitors Day (DV DAY) of the Multinational Air Exercise "HNIOCHOS 24" took place at the Air Tactics Center (ATC) at Andravida Air Base.
HAF News
HAF’s Participation in “VOLFA 2020” Exercise
From Monday 21 September to Friday 9 October 2020, the training exercise “VOLFA 2020” was held at the 118th Air Base in Mont-de-Marsan, France. Forces from France, Spain, Canada, Britain, Germany, Belgium and Greece participated. The Hellenic Air Force (HAF) participated in the exercise with four (4) F-16 aircraft of the 347 Squadron from the 111th Combat Wing and similar support personnel. In total, more than twenty (20) composite air operations (COMAO) missions were carried out in scenarios of air superiority, reconnaissance, deployment and protection forces and CSAR, day and night.
Press Releases
Hellenic Air Force Academy coordinates Strategic Partnership Project
Athens, October 08,2020
Hellenic Air Force Academy coordinates Strategic Partnership Project
We are pleased to announce that the International Air...
HAF News
Visit of HTAF to the 115CW
On Tuesday, September 1st, 2020, the Chief of the Hellenic Tactical Air Force (HTAF) Lieutenant General Themistokles Bourolias, visited the 115 Combat Wing (115CW) at Souda Air Base, where he was greeted by the Unit’s Commander, Colonel (P) Ioannis Chatzogeorgiou.
HAF News
Co-Training of HAF with USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Aircraft Carrier
On Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 July 2020, the Hellenic Air Force (HAF) co-trained with the aircraft of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, southeast of Crete, according to bilateral military cooperation between the two countries.
Press Releases
HAF’s Participation in a US Air Force Escort Mission
On Friday, May 29, 2020, the Hellenic Air Force (HAF) participated with four (4) F-16 Block 52+ aircraft of the 337th Squadron on a mission of escorting two (2) US B-1B Strategic Bombers inside the Skopje FIR and carry out flight above the capital city (Skopje).
HAF News
Co-Training of HAF with Charles de Gaulle Aircraft Carrier
On Thursday, February 27, 2020, the Hellenic Air Force (HAF) co-trained with the aircraft of the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, southeast of Crete, according to bilateral military cooperation between the two countries.
Press Releases
First Test Flight of the Supermarine Spitfire MJ755 Aircraft of the Hellenic Air Force
On Sunday 19 January 2020, the Supermarine Spitfire MJ755 aircraft of the Hellenic Air Force, took off from the Biggin Hill Airport of Great Britain, for its first test flight in 67 years, which was a total success.