Press Releases
Attending the Portuguese Leadership Training 2008
Hellenic Air Force Academy's 3rd year cadets Karoykis Dimitrios and Tsairidis Panagiotis were HAFA's delegates in a training which took place in Lisbon from 16 to 21-5-2008...
Press Releases
Joint Hellenic-Turkish military Natural Disaster Intervention exercise “NDI 08”
On 14 May 2008 a joint Hellenic-Turkish military Natural Disaster Intervention exercise ("NDI 08") was conducted in Athens. The exrcise was organised in the framework ...
Press Releases
A new Greek Mobile Field Surgical Hospital opens in Kabul, Afghanistan
The 229th Mobile Field Surgical Hospital (MFSH) opened on 19 Aug 2005, achieving full operational capability three days later. During its 18 month deployment...
Press Releases
Chief of German Air Force visit to Greece
The Chief of German Air Force visited Greece between 4 and 7 July 2005 and flew with F-16 Block 52+ fighter aircraft.