Αρχική Hellenic Air Force Structure Hellenic Air Training Command

Hellenic Air Training Command

Air Force Training Command


“Διδακτόν η αρετή” (Virtue can be taught)

In a dialogue with Socrates, the Sophist Protagoras claims that virtue must be taught, saying that the Athenians share the same opinion:
“This is the fable and this is the proof, Socrates, which I had for you that virtue in my opinion might be teachable, that the Athenians hold the same opinion, and that it is not at all surprising for bad children to come out of good fathers and good children of bad ones.”
(Plato, ‘Protagoras’, 328 C)


The Hellenic Air Training Command (HATC) is located in Dekelia Air Base, Tatoi, Attica.




The HATC is a Major Formation with the mission of planning, monitoring, directing, coordinating, assessing and improving the training provided to the Hellenic Air Force’s (HAF) personnel.

It forms a level of Administration through which coordination, control and Command of the subordinate Military Schools, Training Units and HAF’s Centers is exercised.


The HATC was established on 30 July 1955, under the name 31st Hellenic Air Training Headquarters, which was initially located in the building at 6 Marni Str., with the mission of planning and improving the training provided to the HAF’s personnel.

A year later it was relocated to Palaio Faliro, at the premises of the old Hellenic Air Force Aircraft Depot, wherein it remained until 1959. Following it was transferred to Dekelia Air Base, at the building of the Air Force War College, remaining there until 1987.

In 1968, it was renamed from 31st Hellenic Air Training Headquarters to 31st Hellenic Air Training Command. In 1979, the numerical prefix 31 was removed from its name while the rest of it is retained to this day.

In 1987, within the context of organizational changes in the Hellenic Air Force, the integration of the Hellenic Air Training Command and the Hellenic Air Force Support Command took place with the disestablishment of the HATC and the assumption of its activities, mainly by the Hellenic Air Force Support Command and the Hellenic Air Force General Staff.

In 1993, according to a decision of the Supreme Air Force Council, the HATC reopened on a trial basis for six months and by a subsequent decision of the same Council, it was decided to continue the Command’s operation.

The Hellenic Air Training Command is currently based at Dekelia Air Base, in the SW part of the Military Base, which is located 20 km N-NW from the city of Athens.


The Hellenic Air Training Command (HATC) is organized into Branches and Divisions, headed by the HATC Commander.

The Branches of the HAFSC are divided as follows:

  • The B’ Branch (Staff – Training)
  • The C’ Branch (Support)

Combat Wings

Combat Groups

Permanent Cadre Military Schools

The HATC Commander shall exercise in the Schools and Training Centers the administrative and operational control assigned to him by the Chief of the Hellenic Air Force General Staff.

Subordinate to HATC, only for training purposes:

  • Air Force Policemen Training School
  • Air Defense Information Center

Other Units


  • HAF Training Command /Dekelia Air Base, Tatoi
  • Tel. Exch: +30 210 8193399
  • Fax: +30 210 2402615
  • Email: cmd.dae@haf.gr