The Joint Rescue Coordinate Center is located in Piraeus.
1953 (RCC), 1987 (JRCC)
Hellenic Air Force General Staff
Aircraft served
- C-47 Dakota
- Nord N.2501D/N.2501 Noratlas
- Dornier Do28
- Helicopter Sikorsky UH-19B/D Chickasaw
- Helicopter CH-47 Chinook
Aircraft serving
- C-130H/B Hercules:with an endurance of 8 hours, maintains readiness state of thirty (30) minutes during daytime (Sunrise – Sunset) and readiness state of sixty (60) minutes during the night (Sunset – Sunrise).
- C-27J Spartan:with an endurance of 5 hours, maintains readiness state of thirty (30) minutes during daytime (Sunrise – Sunset) and readiness state of sixty (60) minutes during the night (Sunset – Sunrise).
- CL-415 Canadair:with an endurance of 8 hours, maintains readiness state of thirty (30) minutes during daytime (Sunrise – Sunset), except fire protection period.
- Helicopter AS-332C1 Super Puma:with an endurance of 3 ½ hours, maintains readiness state of thirty (30) minutes on a 24/7 basis.
- Helicopter AB-205:with an endurance of 2 hours, remains on alert during daytime (Sunrise – Sunset). It maintains readiness state of fifteen (15) minutes during working hours and readiness state of thirty (30) minutes during non-working hours.
- Helicopter B-212:with an endurance of 2 ½ hours, maintains readiness state of thirty (30) minutes during daytime (Sunrise – Sunset).
The mission of the Joint Rescue Coordination Center Air Department is to foster the effective organization of aeronautic Search and Rescue services through the Hellenic Air Force General Staff and to coordinate the conduct of aeronautical Search and Rescue operations.
In 1947 the Greek Parliament approved the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation Organization as ANNEX 12 and became State Law (211/1947). By accepting this Convention, Greece was charged with the responsibility of providing Search and Rescue services to people in danger after air accident within Athens FIR.
In May 1953 the implementation of the above Convention started. The responsibility of air Search and Rescue was assigned to the Hellenic Air Force. For that reason it was decided a Rescue Coordination Center to be established.
The Rescue Coordination Center was initially located and operated in 112 Combat Wing until 1954. Then, it was transferred to Lykavitos where it remained until 1960. From October 1960 until September 1987 the Center was transferred to National Airport of Ellinikon, to Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority’s facilities.
In April 1989 the Hamburg Convention (Law 1844/1989) was approved. By accepting this Convention, Greece was charged with the responsibility of providing Search and Rescue services to people at risk in the sea within Athens FIR. The responsibility of Search and Rescue Services is assigned to the Hellenic Coast Guard. The Hellenic Coast Guard created an Operational Room located in its head Ministry.
It was discovered that the two centers in order to operate more efficiently have to be located in the same place. For that reason the Supreme Air Force Council decided the relocation of the Rescue Coordination Center, in order to operate as Joint Rescue Coordination Center.
In addition, since January 2008, 2nd the JRCC is framed by the Greek Mission Control Center (GRMCC) and operates as Ground Segment Provider of Cospas-Sarsat Organization.
Cooperation Partners/Bodies
The Joint Rescue Coordination Center Air Department can cooperate with Joint Rescue Coordination Center Maritime Department, the Greek Mission Control Center (GRMCC), the Operations Centers of Hellenic National Defence, Hellenic Army, Hellenic Navy and Hellenic Air Force General Staff, the Hellenic Air Force General Staff, the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority, the Athinai/Makedonia Area Control Center, the Secretariat General of Civil Protection, the Fire Agency, the Hellenic Police, the National Direct Aid Centre for the successful accomplishment of its mission.
E-mail: eksedat@haf.gr