1st Control and Report Post

1η Μοίρα Σταθμού Ελέγχου και Προειδοποίησης


Επαγρυπνείν τε και φυλλάτειν” (Always Remain Alert and Guard)

Such a phrase reflects to the role and purpose of the unit and shows that it always remains “on alert” and it “guards” the nation.

The emblem shows Dydimotichos castle with the Radar’s dome on top of it. The archer, positioned within the outline of Evros County, is targeting towards the direction of the threatening party. Such a pose suggests the military capability and determination of the units’ staff. The arrows that the archer holds signal the touch of the HAF, which the unit will come to direct against any threat. The blue shield above is the emblem of the HAF, which is placed under the protection of the unit.


The 1st Control and Report Post is located Southwest of Didymoteichos City on the “Mesitis” Hill at an altitude of 594 feet. It is located 5 km from Didymoteichos and 100 km from Alexandroupolis.




Hellenic Tactical Air Force


The Unit’s purpose is to effectively organize and utilize its staff and assets, in order to adequately contribute to the mission of the NARCS to the highest of its ability and within the context of its duties.


The Unit was established in November 1956 with a RADAR AN/TPS–1E system, with a height of AN/TPS–10D, which had limited capabilities.

In January 1958, the older RADAR systems were replaced by Radar AN/FPS–8 and AN/FPS–6A, respectively.

In 1982, the Unit celebrated the opening ceremony of the Holy Archangels Church, together with the establishment of its new buildings.

In 1990, the new administration buiding was built, while in 1993, new military K-9 buildings were built, together with the Units’ water supply network.

In 1995, five new housing Units were built as part of the needs of its military staff. A piece of land was also bought in the city of Didimotichos, which holds a military retreat center, along with apartments for the purpose of housing military staff.

In August 2003, buildings were built to host the new 3D RADAR System.


Email: 1msep@haf.gr