Αρχική Hellenic Air Force Structure Hellenic Tactical Air Force 2nd National Air Control Centre (ACC) – Recognized Picture Production Centre (RPC) – Sensor Fusion Post (SFP) [NARCS]

2nd National Air Control Centre (ACC) – Recognized Picture Production Centre (RPC) – Sensor Fusion Post (SFP) [NARCS]


Τα Αφανή τοις Φανεροίς Τεκμαίρου(Reveal the unseen to the apparent)


It is located at «Karavola Top» of Parnitha Mountain.




Hellenic Tactical Air Force


The 2nd NARCS’s mission is the organization and development of personnel and means provided for, in order to ensure the continuous transmission of Recognized Air Picture (RAP) to the head of country’s Air Defense system along with the successful accomplishment of national and allied operations, according to existent plans and air doctrine.


The Unit was formed in late 1955 and was based at Kavouri. It operated as a training unit until August 1956, with the limited capability search and altitude RADAR , TPS-1E and TPS-10D.

In August 1957, these RADAR were replaced by the extended capability search FPS-8 and altitude FPS-6 RADAR .

In May 1958 the unit was transferred to its present location (Parnitha), where it operates till today.

In October 1976 the 2nd ACC was included in the NADGE (NATO Air Defense Ground Environment) system. The altitude RADAR S-269 was installed in the same year.

In March 1984 it was enrolled to the NAEGIS system, an integrated NATO system for airborne early warning. In July same year, the Manual Control procedure of 350 Guided Missile Wing and 180 HAWK Squadron was assigned to the unit.

Unit’s modernization operations started in 1990 and finished in 1994. Some of the work that took place during that period was the installation of the S-743D RADAR which is operationally active since May 1996. A new integrated communication system was also installed.

In September 1997, the RIS system was installed which provides the unit with the capability to receive plots from other units.

In January 2001 the PALLAS system (Phased Automation of the Hellenic ATC System) was established, in order to support the identification process, receiving information from the Civil Aviation Authority RADAR .

CRC System Interface (CSI) was installed in the same year for interconnection purposes with GBAD units.

In 2002 the SSSB system was established in order to exchange picture with the Hellenic Navy ships.

Since May 31, 2002 the unit has changed its role and mission and was renamed to 2nd Area Control Center (ACC), in the framework of Air Defense System’s (ADS) new structure.

In 2003 a new system of information display was installed, the MASE (Multiple AEGIS Site Emulator), increasing the capabilities of aircraft surveillance and control.

In 2004, the ULS (Universal Link System) was installed, which could be linked with Link 1, Link 11, Link 16 and IJMS (communication protocol with AEW&CS and NAEW E3A) platforms.

Since November 2018, 10th 2nd Region Control Center was renamed as 2nd National Air Control Centre (ACC) – Recognized Picture Production Centre (RPC) – Sensor Fusion Post (SFP).


Email: 2ake@haf.gr