On Friday, May 5th the ceremony for the suspension of the 348th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron (TRS) and the withdrawal of the RF-4E Phantom II took place at the 110th Combat Wing at the Larisa Air Base.
The Chief of the Hellenic Armed Forces, Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis (HN), and the Chief of the Hellenic Air Force General Staff, Lt. General Chrostos Christodoulou, opened the ceremony with their welcoming speeches.
Amongst those present at the ceremony were the Chief of the Hellenic Tactical Air Force, Lt. General Georgios Blioumis, the Commander of the 1st Army, Lt. General Dimokritos Terzakis, the Special Secretariat of the Ministry of Defense, Kalliopi Papaleonida, high ranked officials of the Hellenic Air Force, Delegations of the Hellenic Armed and Security Forces, honorary Chiefs of the Hellenic Armed Forces General Staff, the Hellenic Air Force and the Hellenic Tactical Air Force, representatives of the local political and religious communities, current and retired staff of the Hellenic Air Force which served at the 348th TRS, as well as a large amount of public guests.