On Tuesday, November 1st, the ceremony for the suspension of the 339 Squadron took place at the 117th Combat Wing at the Andravida Air Base.
The Chief of the Hellenic Armed Forces, Admiral Evangelos Apostolakis (HN), and the Chief of the Hellenic Air Force General Staff, Lt. General Christos Christodoulou, opened the ceremony with their welcoming speeches.
Amongst those, present at the ceremony were the Chief of the Hellenic Tactical Air Force, Lt. General Georgios Blioumis, high ranked officials of the Hellenic Air Force, retired commanders of the squadron, representatives of the local political and religious communities as well as current and retired staff of the Hellenic Air Force which served at the 339 Squadron.
The ceremony included a glorification, a tribute to fallen aviators who had served at 339 squadron as well as aircraft transits. Finally, the squadron’s retired commanders placed the War Flag into the Squadron’s Museum.