Hellenic Air Force Academy coordinates Strategic Partnership Project


Athens, October 08,2020


Hellenic Air Force Academy coordinates Strategic Partnership Project

We are pleased to announce that the International Air Force Semester has been chosen by the Hellenic Erasmus+ Agency to be funded, following its 2020 call for proposals for Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education (Key Action 203). The institutions participating in the project are the Hellenic Air Force Academy (applicant organisation), the Air Force Academy ‘Henri Coanda’ in Romania and the Air Force Academy of Portugal. The European Security and Defence College takes part as an associated partner and will assist the partnership by providing expertise in the field of e-learning.

The aim of the project is to create a common programme of studies that will form part of the basic education for Air Force officers (a common semester), in order to facilitate and promote long-term student exchanges between different European Air Force Institutions for the first time in their history. Following the completion of the project, exchanges will be funded by the European Commission Programme Erasmus+ in order to enhance internationalization opportunities for Air Force Academies in Europe.

Participation in this project is consistent with the long tradition of excellence which characterizes the Hellenic Air Force Academy since these exchanges will contribute to military students’ development by helping them to acquire the necessary skills and competences, such as, leadership skills, language skills, self-development and cultural awareness, through exposure to an international environment.

The development of the project will last for two years starting from Autumn 2020. Academic coordinator of the project is Assistant Professor Panagiotis KARAMPELAS, Ph.D.

Hellenic Air Force Academy coordinates Strategic Partnership Project

Colonel (P) Konstantinos Gkoumatsis
HAFGS Spokesman